The India that I aspire, when I retire…

Adity Mohanty
3 min readJun 28, 2021

India is a country with a lot of potentials. It has faced the worst of times and has emerged to become one of the strongest countries in the world, with a lot of scope for the future. However, what does the future hold? What do I want to see happening in my motherland at the end of my work life?

Photo by Giu Vicente on Unsplash

The thought of the future of our country came to me while I was sitting in my home one day. I started thinking, “What new heights will my country reach when I retire?” So, I started to ponder over the question and formed views on the India I want to see by the end of my work life.

Photo by Karsten Würth on Unsplash

The use of non-renewable energy is a threat to both the ecosystem and the environment. In the future, our country should completely switch to renewable energy production. Sources of energy like Solar, Wind, and Hydel power should replace non-renewable sources like the burning of fossil fuel. This will ensure clean energy production as well as the ability to open up energy production centers even in the most remote areas.

In the near foreseeable future, poverty rates must be controlled and equality of resources to all must be ensured. Technology must be available to people of all economic sections. Family planning and awareness programs for teaching real-life skills like banking and taxes must be set in place.

Along with the rise of technology, also comes the rise of its uses. Artificial intelligence must be rapidly developed in order to be of essential use in the future. Works too menial or dangerous for humans should be transferred over to automatons. Newly emerging technologies like virtual reality should be used to aid the citizens of the country. Gadgets and technology must be user-friendly so that even the older generations can use them without any aid.

Women and men must be treated equally; Incidents of domestic violence and rape must be kept at a bare minimum by enforcing strict laws. The minimum wage should be increased and newer professions created in other sectors in order to accommodate the increasing number of people.

Healthcare and education must be made available to everyone, regardless of their financial status. This can be done by efficient taxation and limiting corruption to ensure that the required capital is funneled into the proper channels. Disabled people must be given more rights along with people of minorities. There must be more awareness about mental health and how to recognize and treat mental disorders rather than treating them as taboo or using them on public platforms to gain attention.

Transport should be fast, efficient and affordable. The availability of electric vehicles will reduce both pollution and fuel demands. Similarly, futuristic technologies like hyper loops, bullet trains, and flying automobiles must be incorporated into society.

In the present, social stigma envelops India; it is present in every corner of the country. Removing caste and color-based discrimination in India is a must. People of the LGBTQIA+ community must recognize their rights and be treated equally like everyone, men should be encouraged to aid women in housekeeping and children should have freedom in learning the fields of their choice. Rather than forcing their children into a rigid set of rules, parents should allow students to have the freedom to express themselves so that they can blossom into creative and rational adults.

Changing India to an ideal country in the future is a major challenge. But, we must remember that our motherland has a lot of potentials, which lies amongst its people. If people join hands and work together, then the day is not far when we will reach the India of our dreams.



Adity Mohanty

Spiritual Awakening | Minimalist Lifestyle | Education Sector |